
Always be Crowdsourcing: Lessons Learned from Crowdfunding

Earlier this week, our team launched our first Kickstarter campaign with Sentri, a smart home security solution designed to give you full visibility and control of your home, providing intelligence on everything from humidity, temperature, and air quality to traditional

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Always be Crowdsourcing: Lessons Learned from Crowdfunding

Earlier this week, our team launched our first Kickstarter campaign with Sentri, a smart home security solution designed to give you full visibility and control of your home, providing intelligence on everything from humidity, temperature, and air quality to traditional

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Mark Penn on Microtrends, Technology, and Politics

At first glance, Mark Penn – one time pollster for the Clinton administration and the “most powerful man in Washington you’ve never heard of” – may seem an odd choice to steer the brand and strategic direction for tech behemoth,

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Mark Penn on Microtrends, Technology, and Politics

At first glance, Mark Penn – one time pollster for the Clinton administration and the “most powerful man in Washington you’ve never heard of” – may seem an odd choice to steer the brand and strategic direction for tech behemoth,

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Building Global Products

I’ve always been a firm believer in user-centric products that are inspired and designed with the user in mind from the very beginning — and in the age of building globally, this becomes more important than ever. If you ever

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Building Global Products

I’ve always been a firm believer in user-centric products that are inspired and designed with the user in mind from the very beginning — and in the age of building globally, this becomes more important than ever. If you ever

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China’s Startup Ecosystem: An Overview

Earlier this month, the ZhenFund, a China-based angel fund partially backed by Sequoia Capital, put together a telling presentation on China’s startup landscape and the traits that characterize the ecosystem at large, especially from a behavioral and cultural perspective. To


China’s Startup Ecosystem: An Overview

Earlier this month, the ZhenFund, a China-based angel fund partially backed by Sequoia Capital, put together a telling presentation on China’s startup landscape and the traits that characterize the ecosystem at large, especially from a behavioral and cultural perspective. To


The Buspreneur Chronicles

There are many ways to SxSW, the annual music, film and interactive festival in Austin, Texas, and while most choose to make their way to the Lone Star State by air, a (growing) group of individuals have chosen to make

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The Buspreneur Chronicles

There are many ways to SxSW, the annual music, film and interactive festival in Austin, Texas, and while most choose to make their way to the Lone Star State by air, a (growing) group of individuals have chosen to make

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Experiences of a Buspreneur on #Startupbus Silicon Valley

Today is the second day on #Startupbus Silicon Valley – making the trek from San Francisco to Austin, Texas (currently driving through the deserts of Arizona en route to New Mexico), conceptualizing, developing and selling a company … in under

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Experiences of a Buspreneur on #Startupbus Silicon Valley

Today is the second day on #Startupbus Silicon Valley – making the trek from San Francisco to Austin, Texas (currently driving through the deserts of Arizona en route to New Mexico), conceptualizing, developing and selling a company … in under

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Digital Curation as the Future of the Web

When I first started this post, I posed the title as a question — “Is Digital Curation the Future of the Web?” In the months since it was first an idea on a drawing board, however, the question has evolved

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Digital Curation as the Future of the Web

When I first started this post, I posed the title as a question — “Is Digital Curation the Future of the Web?” In the months since it was first an idea on a drawing board, however, the question has evolved

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